Both girls will be an asset to Precious Curl breeding program with implacable pedigrees

CH Curland Monroe, is being shown in CFA and TICA, Blue Silver Lynx point.
Monroe 2017 /2018 TICA Show Season in limited showing 22 Best Longhair / Best Seal Lynx Point AC 15 Best Longhair AC
She stopped showing to have a litter of kittens and will resume showing
Monroe, 2018 TICA regional winner, Best Lynx Point American Curl
2019/2020 / TICA 7 Best of Breed & Regional Winner with limited showing

Supreme Grand CH Quiringa Velvet Aristocrats is a Blue Classic Tabby and is being shown in TICA and CFA shows
2017 / 2018 TICA show Season, 25 Best Cat / 9th Best Longhair / 2 Best AC Longhair/ Best AC longhair kitten / Best Blue Classic AC Long hair / 6th Best Longhair American Curl, with limited shows
She was shown in the 2018 / 2019 season and was Regional Winner and Breed Winner
Calvin was a Regional Winner in Region 5 and 3RD Best American Curl in Premiership in the world with three months of showing in the 2010 / 2011 show season.
Currently Calvin was 13th in CFA SouthWest Region region and was Best American Long Hair Curl Premier INTERNATIONAL for the show seaspm 2011 /2012 Calvin passed over the rainbow in Feb 2017
Calvin has perfect ears and is now a retired show cat

Calvin is a Cream Lynx Point