This litter is out of GC DB Cats Arlene and by GC, BW Seven Oaks Bongo Congo, they were born August 16, 2010 two females, calico, and brown spotted mackerel male.
Arlene is a brown mackerel tabby and Bongo Congo is a beautiful red and white male. These two Grand Champion American Curl lines have produced these wonderful kittens.
These kittens made their show debut at the Las Vegas, NV show on Jan 1 & 2 2011
They have excellent ear set and curl and have been evaluated by Grace Ruga, (founder of the American Curl Breed) Expresso and Calla Lily opened in April 2011
Expresso is being used in my breeding program, he has produced Grand Champions ear. Expresso is a GRAND CHAMPION, BEST OF BREED, REGIONAL WINNER
PRECIOUS CURL CALLA LILY IS NOW A GRAND CHAMPION AND IS THIRD BEST OF BREED, INTERNATIONALLY. CALLY IS ALSO BEST OF BREED IN REGION 5. She is in Hong Kong with her new proud owner and just had a beautiful litter of kittens
Precious Curl Calla Lily

Preicous Curl Scooter is a Grand Premiere, she is very sweet and a little shy. She is happy on our laps curling up and loving us. She is a Grand Premier, and retired from showing. SHE IS A WONDERUL COMPANION CAT and has a new loving home

Precious Curl Expresso

GC.BW,RW Precious Curl Expresso was BEST OF BREED and Regional winner, he handles very well and likes to go to the shows. He is a brown spotted tabby. Expresso and Delancy have produced three litters and all of the kittens have Granded in CFA and three are Supreme Grand in TICA and Delancy had a fourth and last litter June 2016, Expresso is the father of Precious Curl Zinger, and he is a Grand and Supreme Grand Champion